Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Don't look back but don't forget where you came from

I've gone through some pretty major changes in the past 16 months. 
Understatement. Of. The. Year. 
It started with running from what God wanted me to do until I was so miserable I had to face it. I had to leave familiar. I had to disappoint people. My home away from home of 10 years was my comfort zone. I came there a broken 14 year old and gave the pieces to God that very first night. Little did I know that one decision would radically change my entire life! The most amazing people had come into my life and poured into me. Leaving was one of the hardest things I've had to do. I had to realize that as much as I love all of these amazing people, that they were not my reason for coming to church. I only want to please God, so I took the plunge. 
I spent the next 7 months driving 90 minutes round trip anywhere from 2-5 times a week. I knew it was time to move. 23 years of living in the same county and I was moving away. It was difficult to say goodbye, but also really exciting. This was a new chapter of my life in a very big way. 
I say all of that because those were all the tools that helped to shape me into who I am today. I have grown more in this time than in any time of my entire life. God took this mess and made something worth something. So yes, I know where I came from but I refuse to look back and long for my comfortable life. To quote my pastor, "I am the most comfortable uncomfortable person." It really is true! I praise God for that because I know this season of stretching physically, mentally, and emotionally is going to pay off! As much as a miss all my friends and family back home (and I do... A LOT) I will focus on where God is taking me, showing me, and teaching me.
Bring it on!

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